


   2021-03-04 830

    中石化新闻讯 据天然气工业3月2日信息称,沙特阿美和雪佛龙公司的CEO在一次原油和燃气大会上说,全世界原油要求已经再生,2020年很有可能返回新冠前的水准上下。     上年的新冠病毒大流行清除了全世界

中石化新闻讯 据天然气工业3月2日信息称,沙特阿美和雪佛龙公司的CEO在一次原油和燃气大会上说,全世界原油要求已经再生,2020年很有可能返回新冠前的水准上下。


沙特阿美CEOAmin Nasser在IHS Markit的线上CERAWeek大会上表明,全世界原油要求已修复到约9400万桶/天,到2022年很有可能做到9900万桶/天。


雪佛龙CEOMichael Wirth在与Nasser的研讨会上表明,因为上门服务运送,柴油机要求做到或高过新冠前的水准,但因为大家防止第一次坐飞机,航空燃油要求落后。



Wirth说:“如同大家近期在得克萨斯州及其前不久在佛罗里达州见到的那般,当对电力网的要求处在较高质量时,大家必须保证 大家有靠谱的电力网管理方法和靠谱的能源供应。燃气应当充分发挥十分、十分关键的功效。”

朱佳妮 摘译自 天然气工业


Global oil demand recovery, gas growth ahead

Global oil demand is recovering and could return to around pre-pandemic levels next year, the chief executives of Saudi Aramco and Chevron Corp told an oil and gas conference.

The coronavirus pandemic last year wiped out a fifth of worldwide demand for fuel as billions of people stopped traveling and sheltered at home.

Global demand for oil has recovered to around 94 MMbpd and could reach 99 MMbpd in 2022, said Aramco CEO Amin Nasser at IHS Markit's online CERAWeek conference.

Economies are improving in China, India and East Asia, with vaccine deployment as "cause for optimism" in the West, Nasser said. "I see demand and the market continuing to improve from here, especially from the second half of this year," he said.

Diesel demand is at or above pre-pandemic levels due to door-to-door deliveries, though jet fuel lags as people avoid long flights, said Chevron CEO Michael Wirth, who spoke on a panel with Nasser.

Both executives are bullish on natural gas. Saudi Arabia has targeted generating half of its electricity from natural gas and half from renewables by 2030.

Emissions of methane - a potent greenhouse gas that is the main component of natural gas - should be reduced and robustly monitored, Wirth said, adding that he expects greater regulation from the Biden administration.

"As we've seen recently in Texas and not too long before that in California, when the demands on a grid are at an elevated level we need to make sure we have reliable grid management and reliable power supply," Wirth said. "And natural gas should play a very, very important role."

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