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   2024-04-03 420
核心提示:中国石化新闻网讯 据能源新闻10月28日消息称,根据能源咨询公司伍德麦肯兹的一项分析,未来几年,澳大利亚和中东最有可能成为“绿色”氢气的主要出口国。绿色氢气是使用可再生能源而不是化石燃料生产的。它可以作为

中国石化新闻网讯 据能源新闻10月28日消息称,根据能源咨询公司伍德麦肯兹的一项分析,未来几年,澳大利亚和中东最有可能成为“绿色”氢气的主要出口国。


尽管如此,对低碳氢(包括绿色氢)需求的预期激增,已促使几个国家宣布了建立氢出口能力的计划。Wood Mackenzie在一份报告中说,近60%的此类项目位于澳大利亚和中东。

该咨询公司亚太地区市场和转型负责人Prakash Sharma表示,澳大利亚和中东都靠近东北亚和欧洲的潜在主要进口国。

Sharma周四在CNBC的“亚洲Squawk Box”节目中表示:“距离近会有帮助……澳大利亚靠近东北亚市场,但中东也可能向任何方向发展,可能向欧洲,也可能向东北亚市场发展。”

Australia and the Middle East could lead exports of ‘green’ hydrogen, new report says

Australia and the Middle East have the greatest potential to be major exporters of “green” hydrogen in the coming years, according to an analysis by energy consultancy Wood Mackenzie.

Green hydrogen is produced using renewable energy instead of fossil fuels. It can be used as a clean power source for sectors such as manufacturing and transportation — but it is expensive to produce and difficult to transport.

Still, an expected surge in demand for low-carbon hydrogen — which includes green hydrogen — has prompted several countries to announce plans to build hydrogen exporting capabilities. Nearly 60% of such projects are in Australia and the Middle East, Wood Mackenzie said in a report.

Both Australia and the Middle East are near potential major importers in Northeast Asia and Europe, said Prakash Sharma, the consultancy’s head of markets and transitions in Asia-Pacific.

“The proximity is going to help ... Australia is close to the Northeast Asian market but also Middle East could go anywhere in both directions — it could go to Europe and it could also potentially go to the Northeast Asia market,” Sharma told CNBC’s “Squawk Box Asia” on Thursday.

The main question is which market can overcome the cost and challenges of transporting hydrogen, especially over long distances, he added.

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