


   2021-03-02 600

    中石化新闻讯 据3月1日 Oil Now 报导,3月1日亚洲地区开盘期货原油大幅度增涨,油市扭曲前一股票交易时间下滑,在美众议院准许英国进一步财政局救助后,股票投资风险心态笼罩着销售市场,即便外汇交易商再次

中石化新闻讯 据3月1日 Oil Now 报导,3月1日亚洲地区开盘期货原油大幅度增涨,油市扭曲前一股票交易时间下滑,在美众议院准许英国进一步财政局救助后,股票投资风险心态笼罩着销售市场,即便外汇交易商再次关心即将来临的opec 大会。





AXI顶尖全世界销售市场投资分析师Stephen Innes在3月1日的一份表明中表明,“石油价格今早与大部分风险资产同歩回暖,因英国刺激性法令在参众两院根据,且世界各国中央银行再次倾落九霄,以抵挡销售市场暗示着的金融业缩紧。”


销售市场现阶段正高度关注3月4日的opec 大会,预估该大会将为同盟将来的生产规划出示具体指导。

投资分析师广泛预估英国石油同盟将公布在3月份的基本上高产,但供货的大幅度提升很有可能会致销售市场焦虑,造成 价钱往下变化。

不管怎样,市场需求分析人员觉得,预估要求升高应当可以融入opec 供货的缓解提高。

Innes说:“3月4日的opec 大会是一个必不可少要素,制造商遭遇的繁杂每日任务是梳理各种各样主题活动,产生一个烈火雄心3的发展战略。可是大家不得不承认必须大量的供货进到销售市场,才可以保证opec 达到持续提高的要求,而且维持內部组织纪律性。”

冯于荣 摘译自 Oil Now


Crude oil futures surge, ICE Brent May contract up almost 2%

Crude oil futures surged during the mid-morning trade in Asia March 1, with the oil market reversing the previous session’s losses as risk-on sentiment gripped the markets following the US House of Representatives’ approval of further US fiscal relief, even as traders continued to eye the upcoming OPEC meeting.

At 10:44 am Singapore time (0244 GMT), the ICE Brent May contract was up by $1.14/b (1.77%) from the Feb. 26 settle to $65.56/b, while the April NYMEX light sweet crude contract was up by $1.07/b (1.74%) to $62.57/b.

The rise in oil prices this morning marks a recovery from the slide in prices seen on Feb. 26, when the Brent marker and NYMEX light sweet crude marker fell 2.56% and 3.19% respectively due to the rising US Treasury yields rapidly pushing up the dollar.

Oil prices however, reversed their losses this morning, with the recovery galvanized by the US House’s approval of an expansive $1.9 trillion COVID-19 stimulus package, which includes direct payments, unemployment benefits and funds for COVID-19 vaccination programmes. The package is now pending approval from US Senate.

Fiscal relief in the US is widely expected to energize the US economic recovery, improving demand for oil and energy.

“Oil prices are recovering this morning in line with most risk assets on the back of the US stimulus bill passing the House, and as central banks continue to sabre rattle to ward off market-implied financial tightening,” Stephen Innes, chief global market strategist at AXI, said in a March 1 note.

The stimulus package notwithstanding, the market was already celebrating an improved demand outlook for oil, caused by a rapid roll-out of vaccines, and the abatement of the coronavirus cases in major economies around the world.

The market is now looking intently towards the March 4 OPEC meeting, which is expected to offer guidance into the coalition’s production plan going forward.

Market analysts generally expect the coalition to announce an increase in production from March levels but have cautioned that a large increase in supply could spook the markets, leading to a downward price correction.

Regardless, market analysts believe that the expected uptick in demand should be able to accommodate a moderate increase in OPEC supply.

“OPEC meeting on March 4 is an increasingly essential ingredient, and producers face the tricky task of sorting through the various moving parts to form a strategy that makes everyone happy. But let’s not beat around the bush; more supply needs to come onto the market to ensure OPEC meets incremental demand and keeps internal discipline ducks in a row,” said Innes.

产品关键词: 欧佩克 美国 市场 美元 众议院
资讯关键词: 欧佩克 美国 市场 美元 众议院
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