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   2024-04-03 440
核心提示:中国石化新闻网讯 据海湾时报网站10月31日消息 随着石油价格和产量的攀升,沙特阿美公司的收益飙升,这使得该公司能够轻松地用自由现金流支付其187.5亿美元的季度股息。该全球最大的原油生产商第三季度利润从去年的4

中国石化新闻网讯 据海湾时报网站10月31日消息 随着石油价格和产量的攀升,沙特阿美公司的收益飙升,这使得该公司能够轻松地用自由现金流支付其187.5亿美元的季度股息。





Dubai: Saudi Aramco's earnings soared as oil prices and production climbed, allowing the company to easily cover its quarterly dividend of $18.75 billion with free cash flow.

The world's biggest crude producer's third-quarter profit climbed to 114.1 billion riyals ($30.4 billion) from 44.2 billion riyals year ago. Free cash flow was $28.7 billion.

Aramco and its Big Oil rivals have benefited from the global economic recovery, which has helped push up crude prices by about 65% this year to more than $80 a barrel.

The state-controlled firm was also helped by higher output after Saudi Arabia ended unilateral supply cuts implemented as part of an OPEC+ deal earlier this year. The kingdom's crude production averaged 9.6 million barrels a day between July and September, up from 8.5 million in the second quarter.

Aramco's annual dividend of $75 billion, the world's largest, is a crucial source of funding for Saudi Arabia. The government, which owns 98% of the stock, is trying to narrow a budget deficit that ballooned last year as energy prices tanked with the spread of the coronavirus.

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